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How to Keep Warm and Safe This Winter Season

Whether it’s a polar vortex, arctic blast or old-fashioned winter storm, make sure your home is protected and stay warm with these tips. Meteorologists are predicting a slew of arctic blasts and winter storms this 2017-2018 season.
With these arctic blasts, temperatures could drop more than 30 degrees, which can wreak havoc on your home. So what can you do to prepare your home post haste for winter storms?
Service Your HVAC
First, make sure your HVAC has been properly serviced for the winter. Doing so will ensure it’s running efficiently and safely.
Check Your Smoke DetectorCheck Your Smoke Detectors
Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in working order. Installing a carbon monoxide detector near your furnace and water heater is a good idea, especially since they could be running on overdrive in freezing temps.
Make sure to shut off all the rooms you don’t use. This helps the house stay warmer in the rooms you do occupy. Keep in mind that heat rises so if you are in a two-story home, your upstairs will generally be warmer than your first floor.
frozen pipesInsulate Pipes
Next, your plumbing, most importantly those pipes around your house. Disconnect hoses from each spigot, drain and store them. Then insulate any spigot that’s above ground. It is suggested that you cover all exposed pipes (laundry room, pool equipment, sprinkler system) with insulation or protective covering. You can even use bubble wrap. Another tip is to locate your main water shutoff in case a pipe does freeze and burst.
Cover Your Water Heater
Is your water heater in the garage or attic? If so, cover it with either an insulator wrap kit or a blanket if the R-value on the label is less than 25.
Two mugs for tea or coffee woolen things near cozy fireplace in country house winter vacation horizontal.
Clean Your Fireplace
If you’re fortunate enough to have a fireplace, make sure to get the chimney cleaned, check that the chimney cap is in place and buy plenty of firewood and store in a dry place. Have plenty of matches, candles and flashlights with fresh batteries available if the power happens to go out.
Prepare Your Foundation
Take a walk around the foundation of your home. Make sure debris is moved away and check and fill any cracks you see. An old farmer’s trick is to buy a few bales of hay and scatter it up against your foundation. This can help keep your floors warmer and less drafty.
Drain the Gas
It’s best to drain all gasoline from your outdoor equipment such as your lawnmower. Make sure your snow shovel is accessible and have plenty of rock salt on hand in case of a deep freeze.Emergency-Kit-
Most importantly, prepare an emergency kit. Here’s what you need to stock up on:

  •  A few extra gallons of water
  •  Non-perishable food items (don’t forget about your furry friends’ food either!)
  • Lots of blankets
  • A battery-powered radio
  • Backup battery for your cell phone and computer
  • A first-aid kit
  •  Flashlights, backup batteries, candles and matches
  •  Always talk through an emergency plan with your family

Old Man Winter is here to stay for a while so let’s be safe and enjoy.  Spring will be here again before we know it.

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