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5 Ways to Winterize Your Washtenaw County Home

Washtenaw County was blanketed with the first snowfall of the season earlier this week. It is safe to assume that winter is officially here. With winter weather in the forecast, it is critical that your home is ready. Below are 5 ways to winterize your home.

Check Your Furnace. Experts recommend that your furnace is cleaned and tuned annually. First, turn on your furnace to make sure it is still working. Check for worn belts, lubrication needs or any other servicing that may be required. Furnace filters should be replaced regularly. A dirty filter impedes air flow reduces efficiency and, in extreme cases, could cause a fire. Refer to your owner’s manual for safety instructions, or call a professional.

Check Your Chimney. Each year, thousands of fires originate in chimneys. Your chimney should be inspected annually. Buying a protective cap with a screen is one of the easiest ways to protect your chimney from flying objects as well as rain that can mix with ash and damage the chimney walls. Keep your chimney’s damper closed when your fireplace isn’t being used to keep cold air out.

Check Your Thermostat. An old thermostat that is off by even a couple degrees can result in a lot of wasted energy and money. Upgrade to a programmable thermostat. Typically, programmable thermostats are incredibly accurate and allow for easy programming of temperatures for different times of the day, helping you to save money and energy.

Check Your Smoke Detector. Take the time to change the batteries and check the operation of your smoke detectors. Install additional detectors in bedrooms if you don’t already have them. It is also a good idea to install carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home.

Trim Nearby Trees. Tree branches that hang near your roof, windows, or driveway can be dangerous. As snow and ice accumulates on tree branches, it will weigh them down, causing them to potentially break, which can lead to significant damage. Trim your branches to protect your roof, windows and cars in your driveway from significant damage.


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