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Happy Father's Day

Celebrated on the third Sunday in June, Father’s Day honors the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children.

What do you love most about your dad?
“I love my Dad for a million reasons…there is NO end to the ways I love him, but if I had to choose a favorite little quirk….I’d have to say my Dad’s tradition of making his family breakfast whenever we get together. It doesn’t matter whose home we are at, my Dad ALWAYS makes toast and eggs for our whole family. And it’s worth mentioning that everybody usually wants something different: scrambled, omelets, poached, sunny side up – he makes them all, and it does it with a smile and love in his heart and it is all DELICIOUS!! One of the many simple yet wonderful ways my Dad shows us he loves us. Goes to show that littlest things can mean the most. Love you Dad – I am tied with my Ems for the luckiest daughter in the world!”
– Laura Outlaw
What are some of your favorite memories of your dad?
“My dad always had a large vegetable garden. He comes from a long line of farmers – his mother grew up on a farm in Virginia and his father on a farm in eastern Maryland. He taught me how to plant the seeds and watch them grow, how to pull the weeds (and not the baby plants), and the best part – how to grab an afternoon snack. You walk down the line of green beans, make a quick stop at the snow peas and turn the corner to the raspberry bushes. Because of my dad, I now have a large vegetable garden as well. I can’t wait to take my boys out to the garden and teach them to plant seeds, to weed the weeds and not the plants, and to grab a snack.”
– Lindsay McCarthy

“I loved going to Fraser’s Pub and German Park with my dad. Also, I was thankful that he chaperoned on many of my daughter’s elementary school field trips – Historic Walking Tour of Saline, Toledo Zoo and many more.”
– Nancy Crosbie

“I always loved going fishing with my Dad at the Rod And Gun Club in Sandusky, Ohio.
I remember one time we were fishing and felt a big tug at the end of the line. It took a while to reel in. When it finally surfaced, we realized we had caught giant turtle! The turtle had latched on to a small sunfish we had originally hooked. We kept reeling and saw that a snake had chomped onto the foot of the turtle. So, that day we officially caught a sunfish, a snapping turtle and a water snake on one hook! Talk about FOOD CHAIN”
– Jennifer Fry

What do you love to do with your dad?
“One of our favorite things to do together is golf!”
– Chad Wiebesick

How are you spending Father’s Day?

“My dad and I work together, so we’ll be spending the weekend in an action-packed Q3 Strategy Session for our company. After living apart from my dad for about 10 years when I went off to college and then moved to Michigan for grad school, it’s great to be able to see him every day and have him available for “Pop Pop” time with my kids!”
– Marisa Smith

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