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7 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Thanksgiving

Are you preparing to have friends or family over to your home this Thanksgiving? If so the task might seem daunting.  While we all know we need to clean our homes before company there are various other steps to hosting a gathering in your home. Here are seven tips meant to help you to prepare you home for the holiday.
Illuminate Your Home
Outdoor lightsEven though you can navigate your home with ease your guests may have difficulties. Consider trimming any plants or bushes that may be blocking your front walk.  Make sure outside lights are bright enough so that guests can see the way to your door. Indoor motion-activated night lights will ensure safe passage in hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms.
Don’t under estimate the role that inside lighting plays during holidays. Use lamps instead of overhead lighting. Add atmosphere by lighting some candles. This draws the eye away from any areas that weren’t deep-cleaned, and makes your home feel warm and cozy.
Make Space
Hat RackThe larger the number of people attending your Thanksgiving celebration the more room you will need for coats and bags. If you have a coat rack in your entryway, empty it to make room for your guests’ belongings.  Alternatively, you can make up the bed in your guest bedroom for people to put their coat and bag.

Organize Your Dishes
DishwasherGather all the dirty dishes from the kitchen counter and sink and load them into the dishwasher. Start the first dishwasher cycles before your guests are arriving. If you possible, unload the dishes before everyone sits down to dinner. This eliminates dishes stacked in the sink and on the counter.
Arrange the Table
Table Setting
If you have a formal dining room, consider setting the place settings the day before Thanksgiving.  Spreading holiday tasks over a few days can make your holiday less taxing. The more people who help out the less stress is on one person, so consider getting your children and/or spouse to help with this task.
Gather Bathroom Storage and Supplies
Make sure to clean and prepare your bathroom with supplies before your guests arrive. Place toilet paper, towels, and toiletries within sight and reach for your guests.  You can put items on wall shelves, or in open baskets around the bathroom.  Also, make sure each bathroom has a plunger visible.

Assemble Ahead of Time
apple pie
Consider cooking some recipes the day before Thanksgiving.  According to Food Network, soups, cranberry sauce, and pie crust can all be made up to a week before the holiday.  Sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts and pie can be made the day before Thanksgiving.  This will free up your stove for other items and eliminate some of the pressure that holidays tend to bring.

Give Thanks
It is easy to become overwhelmed around the holidays, especially if you are hosting an event.  Remember that Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. If you start feeling drained during your preparations, take a minute to stop and appreciate all the loved ones who are in your life and home.

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