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What Happens When Both Prices & Rates Are Rising?

If you have been considering moving, there is a 75% chance you will be searching for a home that is bigger or similar to your current home, which means that you will not be spending less on your next home. If that is the case, and you plan to finance it with a mortgage, you should know that waiting for prices to increase could have the opposite effect you want on your pocketbook. The predicted rises in interest rates will cost more than you are likely to gain in waiting for a higher sale price.
The 105 leading housing analysts who make up the Home Price Expectation Survey are predicting that home prices nationally will increase 3.1% by the end of 2013. In addition, interest rates are predicted to rise 1% by the end of 2013 according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
In the example below, you move into an equivalent home now versus waiting until the end of 2013.

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