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10 Ways You Can Incorporate The Danish Concept of "Hygge" Into Your Home

What is Hygge?

Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot of talk about “hygge” (pronounced hoo-guh) all across the Internet. Explaining exactly what it means is tricky, since there’s no direct translation to English. But the underlying sentiment is of creating intimacy, connecting with those you love, and finding pleasure in the small things. It’s a cozy, happy feeling that’s all about mindfulness and being in the moment. If you’ve ever curled up on the couch with a good book and a mug of tea or slept in several hours just because you could—you were practicing hygge without even realizing it!

The Danes have incorporated this idea of hygge into almost every aspect of their lives and that includes their home decor. And because Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world—even when they experience up to 17 hours of darkness a day for months on end—we think they might be onto something.

That’s why we’re taking a look at a few ways you can incorporate this cozy concept into your home with just a few simple changes.


Invoke a warm color palette


While we love interesting, bright colors, they might not be the best choice when it comes to adding a little hygge to your home. Loud hues like red, blue and yellow can be distracting. So hygge experts will often tell you to stick to warm and cozy palettes of tan, white, gray and brown. This will add a welcoming feeling to your home and help you focus on what really matters in your life: friends and family!


Let there be (more) light


Because they are surrounded in darkness for much of the winter, the Danes take their lighting very seriously. Artificial lighting can often be too harsh and cold. That’s why a hygge home not only draws in as much natural light as possible, but also incorporates plenty of candles and a few lamps that add soft light into the mix.


Create a comfortable atmosphere


Coziness is absolutely key when it comes to hygge decor. So add a little extra cozy into your home by incorporating several fluffy pillows and soft blankets throughout any space. Just looking at a room full of welcoming places to curl up will make you feel more at peace. And the comfort you’ll feel after dropping onto your couch or bed at the end of a long day won’t hurt either.


Introduce texture


If you just stick to natural light and neutral tones, you’ll find yourself in a very minimalist space. If that’s what you’re looking for, great! But if you want to really get into the hygge lifestyle, don’t forget to incorporate a few different textures. The Danes use a mixture of materials and patterns as a way of adding character and interest to their decor. They tend to use plenty of warm, natural materials, such as wood, leather and wool throughout their homes.


Display treasured memories


Danes believe that furniture and decor should be more than just objects. Instead, they should be items that mean something and that make you happy. So, if you can, be sure to incorporate items into your home that have sentimental value, like a quilt from your grandmother or your father’s favorite painting. If you don’t have any nostalgic items to display, head to a local flea market and pick out a few items that make you smile! Every time you see it in your home, you’ll be filled with a warm, happy feeling—and that’s what hygge is all about.


Fill up your bookcase


Taking a break with a good book is one of the mainstays of hygge, especially during the winter when you’re trying to avoid the harsh elements. So why not fill a shelf with gorgeous books? Not only is it an easy, functional decor piece, but it will also make your space feel more welcoming and lived-in.


Focus on the fireplace


The fireplace may just be the ultimate hygge sanctuary. It offers the same warm glow that we love so much about candles and has the ability to spread that warmth throughout your entire home! So, if you can, try to make your fireplace the focal point of your living room instead of the television. This will help you take your focus off of technology and onto making memories in front of your hearth with family and friends.


Create a spa-like bathroom


Instead of just using your bathroom for a quick shower in the morning, make it a relaxing retreat! Creating a bathroom that is pleasant and peaceful is as easy as adding in a few simple touches. Incorporate some plush rugs to help warm your feet on cold mornings; several candles to help set the perfect bath mood; and some hidden storage that will help you keep the entire space free of clutter.


Make your own ‘hyggekrog’ or nook


One of the most fundamental parts of hygge is the ‘hyggekrog’ or cozy nook. This is a space  away from everything else where you can go and unwind with a book or the newspaper and a warm beverage. The best nooks are situated along a large window, letting in natural light and providing views of surrounding scenery. However, your nook might instead be in a quiet corner with a lamp or fireplace nearby. Just don’t forget to incorporate plenty of blankets and pillows to make your hyggekrog as cozy as possible.


Keep it simple


Similar to Marie Kondo’s method for tidying up, hygge encourages you to steer clear of clutter and focus only on things that make you happy. By removing things you don’t need or don’t bring you joy from your home, you’ll simplify your life and mind! This practice also makes your home easier to maintain, allowing you to spend more time relaxing and doing things you enjoy, such as reading, playing games, doing a puzzle, or simply spending time with loved ones.


How will you hygge?

While there are plenty of ways to incorporate the hygge mindset into your home, it’s more of a lifestyle than an aesthetic. Danes integrate the idea of hygge into everything they do, and they are happier for it! Spend an extra hour in bed, enjoy a warm beverage, call up your favorite people on Zoom or Facetime, or take a few minutes at the end of the day to be mindful. All of these are simple ways you can add a little hygge into your life.

Do you plan to incorporate hygge into your home or lifestyle? Let us know in the comments below.

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