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Makeover Monday: 4 Tricks to Spice Up Your Home

If you want to make a change in your home but don’t have lots of time or money start small. Making small updates to a space can make a big difference to the look and feel of a room. You don’t have to spend lots of money to have a beautiful home. Here are 4 small changes that will spice up your space.
Add a Pop of Color
Grab a candy jar, or any unused glassware lying around the house (a mason jar would be perfect) and add candy or nail polish for some color.

Nail Polish Storage By HGTV 

Over the Door Hanger
Create more space with an over the door hanger. You can use it on closet doors to hang clothes or the bathroom doors to hang towels. Get one from the dollar store or try using a hook that holds your holiday wreaths.
over door hanger
Wall Art
Need some more change? Try making a focal wall in one of your rooms. Use some painters tape and extra paint and go crazy. Stripes, chevron, and triangles are a good starting point for this type of design.

wall artBy Signed By Tina

Add a Clock
If you are looking for a fun and functional alternative to artwork use a clock to pull together a room. They are functional, but they can also be beautiful and bring personality to a room.

color-block-clock-diy1By Almost Makes Perfect

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