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Pianos ‘Round Town Brings Music Back to Ypsilanti

Pianos ‘Round Town is back for the fourth year September 20-October 8 in Ypsilanti.

For the event, seven pianos are placed in front of various businesses for public use. Anyone who is inspired can sit down and play.
Moved by events in cities around the world, piano teacher and a co-owner of Nelson Amos Studios, Korin Hancherlian-Amos worked to make the event happen in Ypsilanti four years ago.
“The attraction simply is that a piano standing alone on the sidewalk cannot be ignored. It must be played even with only a few tinkles, ‘Heart and Soul,’ or ‘Chop Sticks,’ Hancherlian-Amos said.

In addition to starting this event, Hancherlian-Amos will be giving free piano lessons during Pianos ‘Round Town.
For a map of the piano locations click here.
For more information on Pianos Round Town visit their Facebook page.

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