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Ann Arbor Named One of the 20 Most Well-Read Cities

It is official, Ann Arborites are a literary bunch. This year Ann Arbor ranked sixth on Amazon’s annual list of cities buying the most newspapers, magazines, and books per capita in cities of more than 100,000 population.

“The results of our annual Most Well-Read Cities list is proof that people across the country are reading,” said Sara Nelson, Editorial Director of Books and Kindle.
Amazon’s full top 20 list:
1. Alexandria, Va.
2. Knoxville, Tenn.
3. Miami, Fla.
4. Cambridge, Mass.
5. Orlando, Fla.
6. Ann Arbor, Mich.
7. Berkeley, Calif.
8. Cincinnati, Ohio
9. Columbia, S.C.
10. Pittsburgh, Penn.
11. St. Louis, Mo.
12. Salt Lake City, Utah
13. Seattle, Wash.
14. Vancouver, Wash.
15. Gainesville, Fla.
16. Atlanta, Ga.
17. Dayton, Ohio
18. Richmond, Va.
19. Clearwater, Fla.
20. Tallahassee, Fla.
Click here to read the entire report.
Photo Credit:  Ruminatrix from Flickr

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