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6 Tips for a Perfect Lawn

A gorgeous green lawn not only makes your neighbors envious, but it can help boost your home’s curb appeal. Here are some simple tips to help you keep your lawn looking healthy, green and beautiful.

Eliminate Weeds
Broadleaf weeds are immediately obvious in your lawn and include dandelions, white-flowering clover and big-leave plantain. To treat, apply granular weed control products.

Mow your Lawn High and Frequently
Avoid mowing your lawn too short. Though it may seem like a timesaver, it can damage your grass in addition to allowing weeds to set root. Taller grass results in healthier grass.
Tip: Never cut off more than a third of the grass blade.

Water in the Morning
The best time to water your lawn is first thing in the morning. The sun will help dry the grass throughout the day. You should generously water your lawn so the soil moisture goes down several inches.

Feed your Lawn
Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for your lawn. Find a mix of fast- and slow-release fertilizers that will quickly green up your lawn, and then feed it over time.
Tip: The best time to feed your lawn is in the fall and spring.

Reseed Sparse Lawns
If your lawn has areas that are sparse, you can seed over the area.
Tip: The best time to reseed is in the fall.

Prevent Weeds
By using pre-emergent herbicide, you can prevent weeds from gaining a roothold. Pre-emergent herbicide controls the dreaded crabgrass, as well as other weeds, by stopping their seeds from sprouting in your lawn.
Tip: The best time to do this is early in the spring.
What are you doing to keep your lawn healthy?

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